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UFC Vegas 62 Pizza Money

Misha Cirkunov vs Alonzo Menifield

The chance the fight ends in less than two rounds is 75.0%.
According to the fighters previous history, the fighters have 60.0% chance it will end exactly in the first round.
DraftKings has odds of +130 for this fight to end in round 1.
Cirkunov in his last three fights averages 7 minutes in the octagon.
Menifield in his last five fights averages 9 minutes in the octagon.

Lastly, on this fight Light Heavyweights priced between -185 to -225 are 7-3 in the last 10 fights.(Alonzo Menifield)

Two big bets on the same fight! Fight ending in the first round at +130 and Menifield winning by knockout at +100

Jordan Wright vs. Dusko Todorovic

Wright has spent an average of 2 minutes in the UFC Octagon.

Historically, the fight has a 20.0% chance it goes the entire 3 rounds.
Odds are +475 for this fight to go the distance.
However, breaking with historical data, oddsmakers believe the fight has a 17.0% chance it goes the entire 3 rounds.

Out of a combine 10 fights, the fighters have reached a decision only 2 times.
DraftKings has odds of +475 for this fight to go the distance.

The chance the fight ends in less than two rounds is 90.0%.
Looking at the fighters’ previous fights, there is a 80.0% chance this fight ends in a Knockout.
DraftKings has odds of -800 for this fight to not go the distance.
According to the fighters previous history, the fighters have 70.0% chance it will end exactly in the first round.
DraftKings has odds of -150 for this fight to end in round 1.

Middleweights priced between 190 to 150 are 1-9 in the last 10 fights.(Jordan Wright)
Middleweights priced between -180 to -220 are 9-1 in the last 10 fights.(Dusko Todorovic)
Wright in his last three fights averages 2 minutes in the octagon.
Todorovic in his last three fights averages 8 minutes in the octagon.
Wright has a record of 1-3 when facing an opponent with a smaller reach.

We are going to put a couple delivery fee dollars on the fight going the distance with a 3% edge and a huge amount of payoff. +475 to win

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